Self-Care Camp Recipes View this post on Instagram Yard spray! I hate bugs however I would like to find a natural way to deal with them. I was so excited to finally give this idea a try and it worked wonderful around our camping I mixed it up and sprayed it just before dusk when they were most active. . We did use our natural bug repellent as well, which is made up of doterra's blend terrashield, citronella, peppermint and lemon eucalyptus. . Bonus I get to use my Essential Oils! . If you'd like more information on essential oils and how to get these in your home for the best price along with some free essential oils and education this month, send me a message. I have some amazing deals! A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jun 10, 2020 at 5:45am PDT View this post on Instagram Roller bottle recipes for my favorite set of essential oils. When I started with essential oils I started with these, The Top 10! It has everything you need to get started and cover about 80% of what is going on at home.? I am never without this set. . Would you like to get started? When you start with this kit you get... ?25% discount of future purchases. ?Education and recipes for our team. ?Welcome gifts!? ?Free On Guard essential oil roller bottle valued at $22.? . . #essentialoils #doterra #doterramom #momblogger #simple #diy #gifts #deals #today A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Feb 20, 2020 at 5:14am PST View this post on Instagram One question we get asked a lot is how do I dilute doTERRA's essential oils? Yes, many of them can be used undiluted where as the "hot" oils should be diluted. Here is an easy guide for how to dilute when making your own roller bottle blends. What are the "hot" oils? These are oils that feel warm to the skin like oregano, clove, on guard, thyme, cassia and even cinnamon. Depending on your skin sensitivity you may need them all diluted. Everybody is different. Plus roller bottles make it easier for kids to use. How many of you make roller bottles at home? What is your must have roller bottle? . . #essentialtips #essentialoils #doterra #doterra101 #doterratips #diy #recipes #guide #simple A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Feb 22, 2020 at 6:55am PST View this post on Instagram A huge thank you to my upline @ericadpage for sharing this recipe. With 4 kids trying to do school on a beautiful day... We need all the help we can get. #diffuser #essentialtips #essentialoildiffuserblends #doterra #school #homeschool #momlifehacks #sunnyday #sunny A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Apr 2, 2020 at 11:12am PDT View this post on Instagram Are you looking for a healthy snack today? Give this one a try. I love doing fresh apples, we a drop of on guard in the water and letting them soak. Let me know if you have tried it. #essentialoiltips #apple #apples #snacks #doterra #doterratips #food #family #fun A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jan 19, 2020 at 4:14am PST View this post on Instagram Clean Air. Did you know indoor air pollution, for most, is a bigger problem than outdoor? Why? Now-a-days people spend way more time indoors and, with lack of fresh air, there’s lots of exposure to toxins. From chemical cleaners, to carpet, treated wood, paint, and much more, that’s a lot of off-gassing! Super easy way to solve the problem: One, we return to where we started. Diffuse! Best way to clear the air! Two, make your own non-toxic cleaners {bonus – saves money too!}. First thing I did when I got this, sent all my toxic stuff out with the trash man. Now, after years of making my own, hundreds of dollars saved! More importantly, huge decision toward better quality of health. Check out the natural All-Purpose Spray recipe below – great for almost any surface and SO easy to make. Another must use recipe .. 1 tsp On Guard concentrated cleaner to 8 oz water. Or 3 drops On Guard essential oil to 32oz water. Two easy and inexpensive ways to clean your home and so much healthier than traditional cleaners. How much would you save every month if you were not having to buy all those cleaners, have sanitizer and room scents? One essential oil that could do all that, lemon... And it only cost $.03 a drop, costing you only $.09 to diffuser $.15 to clean $.03 for your hands and so much healthier with no synthetics!! . . . . . . #essentialoil #doterra #cleaning #air #toxins #cleaner #diy #healthyliving #home #family A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jan 31, 2020 at 5:04am PST View this post on Instagram I ready for all natural long lashes. My daughter has beautiful ones. Plus, castor oil is so good for the skin. We use castor oil, essential oils with heat for liver support and to apply with oils for skin and muscle support. Comment below if you have tried this or if you want to! Need supplies? Click on my bio, then my linx account to find my Amazon store, I have my favorite DIY supplies saved there. For my Facebook group... I'll post a link in the comments. . . . . #diy #essentialoils #essentialtips #lavender #castoroil #cedarwood #rosemary #momlife #healthytips #doterra A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Feb 4, 2020 at 2:17pm PST View this post on Instagram Woohoo... I have been wanting this essential oil for some time now. I love trying new oils. This month I can actually earn it free with my order that I was already going to place. Some common used for this one are... Hair health Relaxing Muscle tension Immune support Skin health Bonus: it smells like the forest! . As we are in the middle of winter and it's too cold to smell anything. I'll love diffusing this one in the house. . Would you like to learn more about how you can get oils free every month by joining doTERRA's customer program? Bonus: Save 25% if the retail. Free product every month. Unlimited education. In January, New customers have the opportunity to earn an extra 100 in free product! Woohoo!!! . If you're ready to get started, send me a message! For all my fellow doTERRA users and team. . A great recipe for the winter months. #essentialoils #education #diy #hinoki #freeproducts #doterra A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jan 1, 2020 at 6:36am PST View this post on Instagram 23rd day of Frankincense SKIN - Bring on the Glow. Last year on our team page we shared a recipe using the Immortelle blend and Yarrow/POM together. This one is similar, just using some of the single oils. If by chance you ordered the Helichrysum in the "Touch" trio set (Holiday Items) you can use that one in this recipe too. Just double the drops. You could also save a little and purchase the Yarrow/POM Travel set in the Holiday Items to save on buying the big bottle of Yarrow/POM to make this recipe. Then just a remember you can get a Free Frankincense with a qualifying order in December. How many of you have made up a favorite skin oil recipe that you'd like to share? . . . . . . #skincare #glow #diy #tips #specials #skin #skinrips #beauty #essentialoils #doterrarecipes #mountianroseherbs #essentialoilsrecipes #nourishyourself #selfcare101 #mentalstrength #healthychoices #cleaneatingdiet #doterraspa #essentialoilsdiy #nontoxicliving #selfcompassion #reducestressnaturally #nutrition A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Dec 23, 2019 at 6:30am PST View this post on Instagram What are you diffusing today? These afree the off my favorites for abundance, love and connections. Enjoy! . . . . #essentialoils #diffusing #christmas #love #family #connection #abundance #doterra #healthyliving #plan #gifts A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Dec 25, 2019 at 5:30am PST View this post on Instagram Yummy!!! Cassia PUMPKIN SEEDS The kids decided to carve pumpkins and I have been waiting to try this. 2 cups of seed 3 drops cassia essential oil ( make sure it is internally approved) 1 TBs cinnamon powder 1/8 cup salt 1/4 cup honey and top off with water. Soak over night Strain and bake at 350 degrees. They are so good. Let me know if you try them. In a pinch you can use on guard essential oil blend. #pumpkinseeds #familyfun #fallfavorite #doterra #enjoy A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Oct 26, 2018 at 12:23pm PDT View this post on Instagram Hot tea anyone?!? Did you ever think about adding Essential oils to honey and then adding it to hot water for a delicious hot tea? One thing I love about doTERRA's essential oils is that some can be used in water or for cooking. Just look for the supplement facts label on the side of bottle to confirm for your safety. Here is an easy recipe that I made up and tastes "OH SO yummy!" 4 tbsp of your preferred sugar (I used honey) ?1 drop cinnamon ? 1 drop Wild Orange ?1 drop cardamom ?1 drop of clove Start with a 1/2 a teaspoon in your hot water and adjust essential oils and sugar to your liking. Other great combos would be lemon and Ginger Cinnamon and lemon Lime and lemon On Guard and peppermint Peppermint and cinnamon And the ideas go on Recipe credit @eos A special thanks to my brother @hansenhoneyfarmllc for the amazing honey! Which one are you going to try? . #essentialoils #hottea #tea #fallfavorites #beverages #familyfun #healthyliving A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Oct 10, 2019 at 5:56pm PDT View this post on Instagram It happens... I was most proud when my daughter told me she looked in the oil book and found the 5 oils that would help her most. So she is icing and oiling. #proudmom The next day... so much better! Gotta love oils when you sprain your ankle in the foam pit at the Trampoline Park. She said her foot has to be better by Sunday so she can play kickball with her friends. #overachiever She is adding 1 drop of these 5 oils with a pump of coconut oil and massaged around the area that is sore. #essentialoils #health #wellness #doterra #activelifestyle #doterra #recipes A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Oct 5, 2019 at 7:13pm PDT View this post on Instagram Looking for a way to jazz up your apples? Slice apples Add a drop of either cinnamon bark or cassia to a bowl of water. Place apples in bowl and let absorb the goodness. Cinnamon bark or cassia both have a warming effect when used topically to the skin (make sure to use a carrier oil) Support healthy blood sugar levels In a pinch I will use doTERRAs On Guard essential oil blend with my apples. Enjoy! #apples #snack #essentialoils #wellness #ruralliving #farmlife #farmwife #stayathome #homeschooling #healthandwellness A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Sep 30, 2019 at 4:56am PDT View this post on Instagram When faced with a gloomy and chilly day. Make the most of it with some Mood-Boosting essential oils. Happy Mood Wednesday! #essentialoils #wednesdaywisdom #fallinwisconsin #moodsupport #diffuser #recipe #family #wellness #mombiz #wellnesslifestyle #doterra A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Aug 28, 2019 at 4:32am PDT View this post on Instagram Which essential oil diffuser blend could you use? #essentialoils #diffuserrecipes #diffuserblends A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Aug 12, 2019 at 4:22am PDT View this post on Instagram It's that time of year when the kids are off playing and meet up with a wasps nest.??? Of course the one that gets stung HATES them, like he ran screaming as soon as his brother noticed them. Then he is the one to get stung. What does mom do? ❤ I CALMLY gets out my oils, apply a drop of aromatouch and purify and rub it in. With in a few minutes he is looking at it in wonder. "Mom, it doesn't hurt anymore." ❤ Yup! ❤Love my doTERRA oils! #bees #wasps #pain #firstaid #essentialoils #momtotherescue #boys #momlife#homeschoolingmom #homeschoolingmum #homeschooling #stayathome #mompreneur #farmlife #farmwife #amazing #lifestyle #habits #oillife #organiclifestyle #workfromhome #wellness #naturesmedicine #motivation #naturalhealth #doterralife #familyof6 #mindfullness #mommotivation A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jul 4, 2019 at 5:44pm PDT View this post on Instagram A perfect diffuser blend for those that need respiratory support. Simple and effective. #diffuser #essentialoils #cough #healthandwellness #healthyliving #doterra A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jul 2, 2019 at 4:36am PDT View this post on Instagram Spiders, My daughter hates them. So we use this in our cabin and around our home to help control unwanted pests. Here is a simple natural solution. Simply mix up and wipe any doorways, openings, or cracks in the house. Reapply every 1 to 2 weeks is needed especially at the beginning of fall. #spiders #bugs #pests #naturalsolutions #Peppermint #essentialoils #diy #organichealth #homeschoolingmom #homeschoolingmum #homeschooling #farmlife #farmwife #stayathome #goals #trusttheprocess #workfromhome #motivation #habits #family #doterralove #yl #naturalhealth #lifestyleblog #mindfullness #wellness #ruralliving A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on May 31, 2019 at 5:18am PDT View this post on Instagram {Peppermint}. One of the most used essential oils. I love that we get one of these free when we renew our wholesale accounts with doTERRA. This time of year, I also use it for - after a bug bite - (apply a drop to the area) - add a few drops to a spray bottle to "keep away" spiders, ants and mice. - add to your dryer balls for minty fresh laundry. How do you like to use peppermint? To learn more about essential oils visit my website check out the "resource tab" and "videos." #peppermint #essentialoiltips #doterralifestyle A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on May 4, 2020 at 6:40am PDT View this post on Instagram {Lemon} I love to wake up to the fresh smell of lemons in the morning. Have you tried a drop or two of doTERRA's lemon oil in warm water in the morning? This is so good for your bellie! Hydration, cleansing and energizing all in one. Give it a try this week! Some cool facts about our lemon. It is grown & sourced from Brazil & Italy. Did you know it takes 7 pounds of lemon peel to make a 15ml bottle of lemon essential oil. In one year a lemon tree has the ability to produce 500- 600 lemons. Research.. There are over 1500 published studies on lemon essential oil and over 77 Human Clinical Trials. To learn more about essential oils visit my website check out the "resource tab" and "videos." A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on May 6, 2020 at 7:08am PDT View this post on Instagram Turmeric essential oil is a great option for skin care. Turmeric essential oil can help to promote clear, smooth, and radiant-looking skin. Try this fun DIY Turmeric face mask to leave your skin glowing: #turmeric #facemask #diy #selfcareisntselfish #skincare A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on May 19, 2020 at 10:22am PDT View this post on Instagram Dry Shampoo... Make it at home! . I love saving money by making things at home, plus I know what is in it. . I can avoid all the artificial fragrances and who knows what else they might put in it. I have had great results with making my own dry shampoo, and adding essential oils to my hair for health and vitality. . If you'd like to learn more about adding essential oils to your hair check out the rest of the photos in this post or check out my story. . We have amazing specials all the time and love educating others on how they can use natural plants, roots, flowers, citruses, herbs and so on for a more natural and holistic lifestyle. . Check out my website to learn more. To sign up for my email click on resources which will then take you to a page where you can sign up for my newsletter or request samples to try some essential oil products. I look forward to working with you! A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jun 8, 2020 at 5:37am PDT View this post on Instagram What are you doing on this glorious Saturday? For some maybe it's cleaning. Here are some simple recipes using our top 10 essential oils.? . Why clean with essential oils? ?Cheaper! ?Natural! ?Safe for babies and pets! ?Easier on your body, just to name a few. . How to get started? we offer all different size essential oil collections from one oil to all the oils. If you're looking to start with cleaning I personally love the kits in the recipes as it covers about 80% of the things you will encounter in your home from health and wellness 2 cleaning. . Did I mention promotions?? This month you can get up to $77 in freebies with a collection purchase. Plus you get education and more recipes for me! If you have questions simply send me a message. . . #essentialtips #essentialoils #recipes #doterra #doterratips #simple #safe #cheap #deals A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Feb 22, 2020 at 6:44am PST View this post on Instagram Who else lives peanut butter and jelly? #peanut #kids #momlife #homeschoolingfamily #doterralifestyle #doterratips #lavender #lemon #blueberries A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Apr 2, 2020 at 6:47am PDT View this post on Instagram How is your scalp holding up this winter? Do you get the fly away hair and scalp? GIve this recipe a try. I also LOVE using doTERRA's shampoo & conditioner (my hair feels amazing). Have your tired the Root to Tip Serum? Oh my goodness, I just tried it again the other day, my hair feels so soft. Now I know why my daughter needs a new bottle every month. Plus it support a healthy scalp as well. So if you don't like DIYing, try the serum instead. Check out my IG TV on hair tips #hair #serum #essentialoiltips #doterra #mombiz #healthylifestyle #diy #wellness A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jan 24, 2020 at 4:00pm PST View this post on Instagram Resolution Rollers... today is Ambition How are your energy levels today? On a sale from 1 -5 (one being no energy- 5 being lots) What I love about using essential oils is they work fast and smell great too. {Ambition Roller Bottle Blend} Apply to wrists, feet, spine and even on the back of neck or chest and breathe in the aroma. Motivate is a motivation blend created for motivation. Breathe is a respiratory blend created for opening up the airways which means more energy. Clary Sage & Rosemary both help emotionally with clarity, focus and attention. Cinnamon adds a little warmth to this blend and may help with respiratory, immunity and digestive. Top off your roller bottle with your favorite carrier oil- I use fractionated coconut oil. #gettingthingsdone #motivation #essentialoils #doterra #diy #rollerbottlerecipes #energy #areyouready #todayistyeday A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jan 26, 2020 at 6:02am PST View this post on Instagram Earlier today I shared a great DIY recipe for long lashes. How about a quick and easy DIY tip on removing eye makeup and mascara before you add your long lashes serum. This fall doterra came out with a body serum in the Yarrow/POM line. It is not only amazing for skin but also great for removing makeup naturally. . If you have this amazing product go ahead and give it a try! . . . #Doterra #essentialoils #bathroomtips #makeuptips #skincare #diy #yarrowpom #momlife #teens #love A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Feb 4, 2020 at 4:47pm PST View this post on Instagram Friday, the last day of the workweek, school week and excitement for the weekend! Give a little love to those feet that take you everywhere you want to go!! . . . #feet #love #friday #fridayfeels #exciting #activelifestyle #momlife #doterra #pain A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Feb 7, 2020 at 4:21am PST View this post on Instagram How are your energy levels today? On a sale from 1 -5 (one being no energy- 5 being lots) what is your score today? What I love about using essential oils is they work fast and smell great too. ?Ambition Roller Bottle Blend Apply to wrists, feet, spine and even on the back of neck or chest to breathe in the aroma. ☀️☀️ ?Motivate is a motivation blend created for motivation. ?Breathe is a respiratory blend created for opening up the airways which means more energy. ?Clary Sage & Rosemary both help emotionally with clarity, focus and attention. ?Cinnamon adds a little warmth to this blend and may help with respiratory, immunity and digestive. Top off your roller bottle with your favorite carrier oil- I use fractionated coconut oil. #motivate # motivation #ambition #energy #diy #essentialoil #doterra #igotthis #erinsdailydose A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jan 7, 2020 at 5:02am PST View this post on Instagram Have you tried essential oils for this? I have personally found that consistent use of these oils have done wonders for me and that is why I share them. If you are one that deals with this on a constant basis, then I encourage you to give this a try. 1 drop of each on the bottoms of your feet morning and night for 30 days. Then for an on the go roller bottle give this one a try. All of these oils have many more benifits do don't worry about this sitting in your shelf. Sp who is ready for this 30 day challenge and some free goodies if your new to essential oils and ready to get started with me? We also have a great promotion this month where you can get a free Frankincense, so send me a message if you'd like more details. #essentialoils #Frankincense #diy #head #challenge #daily #gifts #holidays #doterra #healthyliving #plan A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Dec 4, 2019 at 5:28am PST View this post on Instagram Day 15 of Frankincense Brain Boost Just like that recipe I shared a few days ago for Daily Support, this one just has a few extas added for a healthy happy Brain. If you don't have these oils yet, you will find these are very beneficial for cell support as well as relaxation and "where did I leave my keys again" thoughts. Enjoy! #essentialoils #brain #brainpower #superbrain #diy #focus #attention #healthy #healthyhabits #everyday #Frankincense A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Dec 15, 2019 at 5:50am PST View this post on Instagram 30th day of Frankincense Oh I can't wait to share this one with my teens. My 16 year old son even asked me the other day what he could use on his face to help with the scars left behind from all his acne. Now that we have gotten a handle on why he broke out in the first place, it has taken us 3 years to get it figured out. Who would have thought food sensitives could have been the leading cause. . Now for some skin support to help repair that damage done. Thankfully your cells replace themselves every 7 years, just think what being proactive could do for you int he next 7 years. . Just a reminder only one more day to get a Free Frankincense with a qualifying order. . Plus you can order these awesome little spray bottles on your doTERRA website. LOVE IT! . . . . #Frankincense #skin #mist #teens #acne A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Dec 30, 2019 at 8:04am PST View this post on Instagram Stress we all have it, but how do you deal with yours? I love having essential oils on hand especially a blend like this for moments when I feel like "I'm going to lose it all." Or just moments where I "over booked myself" and "I don't feel like I can get things done." Or you just happen to be "hanging around people who are stressful" and they just make your world stressful. ----- Roller Blend This blend is super easy to make add the amount of drops suggested in the photo and top off with fractionated coconut oil or your Carrier oil of choice. ----- Diffuser blend 2 drops wild orange 2 drops lavender 1 drop Balance 1 drop Bergamot. ---- Bath blend Same drops as diffuser blend only add to Epsom salt and soak away the day! ---- Bergamot is a sun sensitive essential oil so please avoid this sun for 12 hours after topical application. --- Enjoy these great recipes... ---- So what do to relax after a long day? --- #relax #stress #essentialoils #life #bath #diffuser #rollerbottle A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Apr 29, 2019 at 5:46am PDT View this post on Instagram I love this stuff!!! Crazy how DIRTY this fruit is. Thankful this all natural concentrated cleaner is save for food, cleaning and pets. If has a 5ml bottle of doTERRAs On Gaurd Essential oil blend in it. Which means amazing cleansing benifits and immune support. Wait till you see what else is in the On Gaurd line. Click on my bio, then doTERRA and search On Gaurd. ---- Full sink mix -1TB to 2 TBs cleaner concentrate to a sink full of water. Soak for a few minutes and rinse. Enjoy!!! #fresh #fruit #clean #natural #essentialoils #cleaner A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on May 20, 2019 at 6:16pm PDT View this post on Instagram Home & Family / Fall scents from essential oil blends.???? YES, where did all those scenes come from? Plants! Then they were recreated in lab with artificial ingredients that offer NO hearth benifits. ?Essential oils DO! These too blends offer motivation, immune and respiratory support and si many emotional benifits like peace & joy. ?I love diffusing doTERRA's unique blends. If you was want this Harvest Spice Blend before it is gone. ?You can order via my link in bio Or send me a message to grab before they sell out! #essentialoils #specials #diffuser #diffuserrecipe #recipe #family #fall #harvest #mombiz #wellnesslifestyle #biz A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Aug 27, 2019 at 5:02am PDT View this post on Instagram Looking for some spicy fall scents That uplift the mood and support your health and wellness! ??? 2 drops cinnamon 2 drops Wild Orange 4 drops Lemon ??? 3 drops On Guard 3 drops Lemon ??? 5 drops Wild Orange 3 drops cinnamon 1 drop clove ??? Which one are you going to try... 1-2-3 ? Wild Orange- uplifting, energizing or relaxing! Cinnamon bark - comforting and warming As well and immune support Clove -high in antioxidants, happy cells Lemon- refreshing, cleansing- great with a little honey in some hot water! On Guard- the essential oil blend that contains it all. We have been using this in the diffuser or cleaning with it EVERYDAY once the seasons start to change. Keeping everything icky at bay. ?check out my "website" click on the videos, than Aromatouch video for an easy way to get started! ? welcome gifts are waiting for you. #essentialoils #diffuser #fallscents #fall #leaves #sunflowers #healthyliving #healthandwellness #homeschoolingmom #homeschool #homeschoolingmum A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Sep 28, 2019 at 5:12am PDT View this post on Instagram Harvest Spice Hand Wash Fill dispenser to 1/4 full of on guard foaming hand wash 10 drops wild orange 15 drops Harvest spice Top off with water. Switching out chemical hand washes to a essential oil based one is not only more effective but so much healthier for you and your wellness. Recipe credit: milly_oils #essentialoils #harverstspice #diy #clean #fallscents A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Oct 8, 2019 at 8:32am PDT View this post on Instagram ?Today marks 21 years with my amazing husband Mark. Through thick and thin, we are making it. Some years were easy some stressful. Together we worked through them. I am so thankful that he puts up with me and I him as we are NOT perfect and never will be this side of heaven. Grace and forgiveness are game changers. So, how does one celebrate a special day? Today started off with a LOUD thunderstorm. ⛈⛈The whole house was awake at 5am. So I guess I'll finish my canning of strawberry jam and start the diffusers with some SUNNY DAY oils.?? Hopefully dinner out tonight seeing as he will not be able to chop hay today. (A blessing in disguise) What is your favorite anniversary memory? A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jul 18, 2019 at 5:46am PDT View this post on Instagram Rise Up with Passion and Devotion. This combination makes my HEART SING and ENERGY flow! Try this if your looking for a new blend. ----- 2 drops each ---- Don't have these oils, send Me a message or click on the link in my BIO! ?❤?✔⛱ #passion #arise #sandawood #essentialoils #doterra #energy #devotion #love #hope #today #diffuser #recipe #doterra #diy #lifestyle #mommotivation #family #familyof6 #doterralife #naturalhealth #naturesmedicine #wellness #lifestyleblog #motivation #notgivingup #mompreneur #workfromhome #girlgowashyourface #godsbeauty #trusttheprocess A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jun 6, 2019 at 6:25am PDT View this post on Instagram We love the SUNSHINE, but our skin may say "TOO MUCH!" Everyone is walking up today complaining of hot skin! ----- My after sun support 2 drops frankincense, copiaba, lavender and peppermint with a squirt of aleo vera gel. (Side note, this also help with healthy looking skin! Inflammation anywhere in the body! Head tension & FOCUS. This is why I LOVE doTERRAS ESSENTIAL OILS!) ---- Make this in a spray 30 ml spray with 10 drops each and a few squirts of aleo or witch hazel. Add water to top off. ---- Enjoy the Sunshine and all that vitamin D! #sun #summerfun #essentialoils #sunnydays #sunnyskies #outdoors #doterra #diy #lifestyle #family #farming #familyof6 #doterralife #naturalhealth #naturesmedicine #wellness #lifestyleblog #motivation #mompreneur #workfromhome #organiclifestyle #organichealth #godsbeauty #envirnomentallyfriendly #farm365 A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on May 26, 2019 at 6:00am PDT View this post on Instagram {Lavender} I love the smell of flowers, however sometimes the flowers make my nose itch, and stuffy! Thankfully lavender is knows for it's calming abilities not only to the skin, but also the sinuses. My favorite mixture when the pollen is at it's highest is 2 drops lavender, lemon & peppermint in a shot glass of water. I use this daily as needed during the high pollinating times. You can even add two drop each to the diffuser or make a roller bottle using 10 drops each Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint. Top off your roller bottle with some fractionated coconut oil and apply to the bottom of feet, and over sinuses as needed. . To learn more about essential oils visit my website check out the "resource tab" and "videos." A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on May 9, 2020 at 4:47am PDT View this post on Instagram I love using this nightly on my face and shoulders that have been kissed by the sun or just to moisturize before bed. . Do you have a go to for Summer Skin? . for more information on these product or to get the BEST DEALS go to and click on "shop" to shop or "Resources" to learn more. . we have amazing deals going on this month, send a message for more info. A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on May 27, 2020 at 9:08am PDT View this post on Instagram " shop" than "Amazon" for favorite brush and jars Need some essential oils, message me for this months specials! amazing deals going all the time. Education & Support, recipes and a fun welcome gifts & resources!! . A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on May 29, 2020 at 3:51pm PDT View this post on Instagram yummy... 8 oz Almond Milk 6-8 ice cubes 2 scoops Vanilla Trim Shake 1/4 tsp All-Spice 1 drop ginger 1 drop clove 1 drop black pepper 1 drop cinnamon bark Blend in blender Top off with whip cream and a sprinkle of spice. Enjoy!!! For more information on these products, follow me on IG or Facebook. visit my website A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jun 3, 2020 at 7:01am PDT View this post on Instagram Which diffuser blend are you going to use today? #top10 #love #essentialoils #diy #recipes #doterra #doterralife #simple #healthyfamily A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Feb 21, 2020 at 4:26am PST View this post on Instagram This is quickly becoming my new favorite coffee recipe. add to coffee grounds { Smoky Spice} 1 drop Turmeric 1 drop Cassia 2 drops fennel I only have a 4 cup pot of coffee, so you may need to double for a bigger pot. I then add a splash of almond milk. Benefits.. digestive, immune and inflammation to name a few. If you try this today, let me know what you think!!! #coffee #essentialoils #flavor #doterraessentialoils #planttherapyessentialoils #youngliving #essentialoilsdiy #essentialoilblends #WellnessWednesday #MentalHealthTips #SelfcareEmpowerment #bodykindness #ReduceStressNaturally #staypositive #nutrition #healthyfood #cleaneatingdiet #cleaneatingrecipe A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Mar 15, 2020 at 5:31am PDT View this post on Instagram A diffuser recipe for the coughs... this is 1 of 3, make sure to check back tomorrow for another one. Diffusing essential oil is one of the easiest ways to support the respiratory function. You add a few drops to the diffuser, turn it on and breathe it in. Quality does matter, if by chance you are using a brand other than doTERRA and you have not research, I mean go to their web page and search how they source, and test their oils. What tests they use and do they offer you test results. um, I would not use them this way. Why, you don't know if they have been adulterated, have fillers or additives. The only reason I mention this is if you have something like a cough, you want something that is going support the restorative process not gunk it up. Back to this photo... go ahead and diffuse it and even adding a drop of each oil with a little carrier oil (I use fractionated coconut oil) and apply to the back. Having these oil working topically and aromatically will give you better results. Bonus, we used this when my husband was on his 3rd antibi@tic for a sinus infecti@n. 3 days later... gone. Thyme and Breathe are my favorites. . . . . . #diy #essentialoilstips #essentialoils #doterra #cough #diffuser #wellness #healthyliving #healthyfamily #recipes A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jan 25, 2020 at 5:35am PST View this post on Instagram Snack time! These chocolate, vanilla and peanut butter snacks are the perfect treat for in between meals, in the evening or right away in the morning. Only 110 calories each these are the perfect snack. . { Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Bites } 1 cup natural peanut butter 1/2 cup raw honey @hansenhoneyfarmllc I scoop doTERRA Trim Shake 1 1/2 cups old-fashion oats ( I was out so I used pay fiber) 2TBSP Cocoa Powder 30 extra dark chocolate chips . Add all ingredients to bowl mix well to combine. Use a small cookie scoop to make 24 - 25 snacks. . I used this really cool silicone bar pan from epicure. These pants are so cool! @insta.sonja.gram and @carressahusnick . . . . . #glutenfree #snacks #weightlossmotivation #doterra #momlife #momblog #honey #darkchocolate #peanutbutter #farmlife A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Feb 1, 2020 at 6:47am PST View this post on Instagram Let's chat attention, focus, clarity and calming, summed up as Heads Up! I personally love Rosemary essential oil with my focus recipes. I have also been using cedarwood and lavender at bedtime with my little boys, we do back massages once they are in bed. I am noticing they are sleeping better and during school a little more attention. Oils for the win! . . . . #essentialoils #essentialoiltips #doterra #focus #healthyliving #diy #recipes #oillife #clarity #bedtime A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Feb 6, 2020 at 4:32am PST View this post on Instagram What do you want to create today, this week, this month or this year? Keeping my mind focused on the end goal can be a challenge. We all know the power of aroma, just like walking into your grandparents home when they were baking cookies, the feelings of joy, love, warmth, enjoyment are remembered. That is what I love about essential oils. The power of aroma. It is fast and powerful. {Manifestation roller bottle blend} Apply where you can smell it! On your wrists, back of neck, under your nose or chest as often as needed. I suggest every time you want to work on your project for accomplishment. Bergamot is an oil for optimism and confidence. Wild Orange is the oil of Abundance. Clary Sage is the oil of Clarity & Vision. Cypress is the oil of Motion and Flow. Siberian Fir is an oil of Perspective and Wisdom. Top off this roller bottle with your favorite carrier oil – I used fractionated coconut oil. Don’t have these oils yet and you’d like to get some? Send me a message or visit my website to learn more. Lots of amazing specials going on this month where you can earn lots of free product. #manifestation #diy #essential #abundance #clarity #joy #achievement #power #aromatherpy A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jan 8, 2020 at 4:32pm PST View this post on Instagram When your head and nose need all the help they can get. Add a few drops of essential oil to forehead, templates and back of neck. Lots of water and some rest. This recipe was shared by one of my customers who used it on her daughter. With in 10 minutes she was asleep and at ease. That feeling when you can make someone's day better. Enjoy this extra recipe. #sick #sickdays #headache #headacherelief #essentialoils #help #momlife #selfcare #love #hope A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Dec 11, 2019 at 3:16pm PST View this post on Instagram Day 10 of Frankincense It is TRUE, essential oils are not a 1 oil fit all. That is why creating blends or roller bottles can be very effective. For all my "Light Sleepers" or "Heavy Thinkers" give this one a try. Let me know what your FAVORITE sleep oils are. #sleep #quiet #nap #essentialoils #diy #recipes #momsneedabreak #nap #naptimehustle A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Dec 10, 2019 at 10:49am PST View this post on Instagram Oh YA... my new body lotion . Skinny Cream and variation to the Skinny Wrap. . Ever since I was pregnant with #3 and on my feet milking cows, my left foot will retain water on the top. Very wierd. It usually only happens in the summer. I think my ski boots might have something to do with it. . So... I decide to play with some recipes and instead of coconut oil I'm using doTERRAs unscented lotion. I love the non greasy feeling and that it is free of "fragrance." Which is not good for your hormones. . 3oz unscented lotion 20 drops Slim and Sassy 16 drops Cypress 16 drops Grapefruit 10 drops Basil 10 drops Lavender Rub upwards towards heart and use when you think you need it. . This mix is photosensitive so please avoid sun or tanning beds for up to 12-24 hours. . Other benifits- Emotions benifits - helps you focus on True Beauty. Basil helps with energy and adrenal support. . #farmwife #homeschooling #homeschoolingmum #stayathome #essentialoils #empoweringlives #weight #homeschoolingmom #beautytips #truebeauty #emotionalhealth #bodylotion #easydiy #diygifts #friendshipgoals A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Feb 24, 2019 at 5:45pm PST View this post on Instagram Healthy glowing skin! I personal have taken their Imortelle blend and put half of it in a 2nd bottle and topped of with Yarrow/pom. Immortelle is known as the a anti-aging blend. Yarrow/pom is yarrow essential oil with pomegranate seed oil. It is being called the fountain of youth blend. . What an amazing combination. I apply it everyday in areas I wish to improve. . #skin #skincare #essentialoils #healthyliving #glowing #youth #stayathomemom #mompreneur #diy #easy #education #teamsupport #wholesale #pricing A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Mar 6, 2019 at 3:13am PST View this post on Instagram Happy FRIDAY!!! Let the POSITIVITY flow THROUGHOUT your HOME! . I saw this recipe and decided to give it a TRY! . I'M LOVING IT! . Emotionally (aromatic use)- Copaiba - is the oil of Unveiling (feelings of worthy, self-aware, clarity, forgiven & purposeful!) . Blue Tansy - oil of Inspired ACTION (Feelings of inspired, committed, energized, motivated and responsible) . Lavender- oil of Communication & Calm ( feelings of emotional honesty, self-aware, calm & peace of mind) . Frankincense oil of TRUTH (Feelings of LOVED, protected, spiritual, connected to the Father and enlightened) . Positive Morning Diffuser Blend ------------------------------------------------- 4 drops Copaiba 3 drops Blue Tansy 3 drops Lavender 2 drops frankincense . I'd ❤?❤ to hear it you try it! . If you need to get hooked up with some powerful oils, DM me! . Wishing you a POSITIVE DAY! Found in Advanced Oil Magic book. A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Apr 12, 2019 at 5:56am PDT View this post on Instagram This month the free oil for members is rosemary! Have you used rosemary essential oil before? I like adding it to my hair care products for healthy hair, long lashes, respiratory & focus recipes and even adding it to my meats and vegetables for some added flavor. I love it that to a doTERRA's quality can be used in so many different ways. At $.06 a drop it is very affordable. Fresh herbs cost more than that. What do you like using Rosemary for? #rosemary #recipes #haircare #skincare #activelifestyle #workout #essentialoils #wholesaleaccount #mompreneur #selfcare A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Sep 5, 2019 at 9:10am PDT View this post on Instagram In need of an energy boost today? I love my peppermint! I add 2 drops to my coffee grounds. It is invigorating, supports digestion and supports healthy inflammatory response, just to name a few. Other coffee options... Cassia On Guard Wild Orange Spearmint Copiaba Which one are you going to try? #doterramama #doterraliving #essentialoilstips #highvibration #healthadvocate #holistichealth #cleaneatinglifestyle #doterraeveryday A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Sep 27, 2019 at 5:20am PDT View this post on Instagram Instapot + meat + essential oil = amazing flavor! Oh yum! ?1 drops = 1tsp dried herbs or 1 TBS fresh Last night we took 1 TBS Olive oil and 1 drop each of lemon and thyme and added to our chicken in the instapot. Cooked and serve with your favorite side. The ideas are endless with all of the many "INTERNAL USE" essential oils that are offered by doTERRA. With 52 tests done on each liter of oil you can be sure that your seasoning is free on contaminants, molds, yeasts, heavy metals, adulteration, additives and the list goes on. My next recipe to try "Orange "Chicken." Here is a full list if oils you can play with at doTERRA. Basil Bergamot Black Pepper Cardamom Cassia Cilantro Cinnamon bark Clove Coriander Fennel Ginger Grapefruit Green Mandarin Lavender Lemongrass Lime Marjoram Oregano Peppermint Petitgrain Pink pepper Rosemary Spearmint Tangerine Turmeric Wild orange What combos can you think of for you next drink, dinner, dessert or treat? #essentialoils #cooking #meals #drinks #beverages #recipes #creativity #tryit #bestproducts #flavor #experiment A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Aug 17, 2019 at 4:51am PDT View this post on Instagram I get such huge reviews on this blend! So thankful for the leaders I have met in doTERRA that create these and the amazing graphic. Yes, I'm a busy mana, farm wife and wellness educator that loves oils. I'm focusing on thre fun stuff and sharing what I works for us. What a JOY it is to be able to stay home with my kids and do this doTERRA Biz. If you'd like to join me, I looking for more people who find joy in helping others while enjoying life! #mompreneur #momboss #mombiz #familybiz #doterraalltheway #healthandwellness #homeschoolingmom A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jul 11, 2019 at 9:44am PDT View this post on Instagram Happy Sunday! @youroiltools I love these cards! #Sunday #essentialoils #Diffusing #diffuser #summer #relaxing #doterra #uplifting #island A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on Jun 2, 2019 at 5:07am PDT View this post on Instagram I love these enzymes for helping with food sensitivities and just eating heavy meals in general. This is to good of an idea to not try! I bet it works awesome on tough steak. #meat #grillin #enzymes #digestion #hack #doterra #momlife #naturalsolutions A post shared by Erin Maus (@erinmausempoweringlives_) on May 21, 2019 at 5:39am PDT Save 25% by starting a wholesale account + receive support from me →